A Stage for Up and Coming Stand-Ups
(from Sag Harbor Express 6/13/13)
Surely Charles Dickens was correct when he famously wrote, "There is nothing in the world so irresistibly contagious as hilarity," which explains why we are experiencing an epidemic of laughter at the Bay Street Theatre this summer. All three plays being presented this summer are comedies. The theatre's Comedy Club is featuring such stand-up superstars as Paul Reiser, Amy Schumer, David Brenner, and Paula Poundstone. And at 8 p.m. this Monday, June 17, four stellar comics whose faces you'll more likely recognize than their names will seize the stage in the 3rd Annual All-Star Comedy Showcase.
This highly-anticipated humor fest is the brainchild of its 24-year-old host Joseph Vecsey, a former streetballer--his father is Hall of Fame basketball writer/analyst Peter Vecsey--who gave up his NBA dreams to do stand-up, write funny scripts, interview his peers and idols on his acclaimed The Call Back Podcast, and put together comedy revues.

Q: Joseph, you live in
New York City, so what is your connection to the area and Bay Street Theatre?JV: My parents have a house on Shelter Island ,
so my sister Taylor, who writes for the East
Hampton Patch, and I have been coming out here since we were kids. I saw comics like Jeff Ross perform at Bay Street and
realized that the only up-and-coming comedians who
appeared there were opening acts for big headliners. So in 2010 I came up with the idea to give
them a showcase. I sent a proposal to
its managing director, Gary Hygom, and he liked the idea, particularly because he
could hire my acts to open for headliners that summer. That first year we put on our show in May and
it was called The Underground Comedy Showcase.
Q: Why did you come up with that concept rather than saying, "I'm a
comic and I'd like to open for one of your headliners?"
JV: I'd been doing standup for
only six or seven months and wasn't ready to open for someone big. My name was an absolute zero and I needed more
experience. However, I already knew a
lot of standup comics that I could bring to Sag Harbor .
At first Gary thought I wanted to rent out the theater, but I said, "I
don't have any money. Can we do a split
at the door?" Bay Street Theatre
took in more than we did but it was a success and we came back last year with a
new name, stronger show, and better date.
June 17 for this year is our best date yet.
Q: Have you performed and hosted elsewhere since 2010?
JV: I did bar
shows, clubs, theaters, colleges, restaurants, rough urban rooms in Brooklyn
and Staten Island, even a hostel on 103rd and Amsterdam . I got so much better and even opened for Jim
Breuer and Susie Essman at Bay
Street last year. Bay Street in 2010 was my first big gig, but since
then I've hosted shows all around New York and
popular clubs like the Laff House in Philadelphia
and Jokers Wild in New Haven .
Q: What is
your role as the host?
JV: Hosts are comedians so they both introduce the
acts and perform. Sometimes confused people come up to me afterward and say I
should be doing comedy myself. They
think I was just naturally funny when talking to the audience and don't realize
that I was trying to be funny. I'll do two or three bits rather than full
routines, and a lot of crowd work, making sure people are ready to laugh when
the first act comes on. I'll ask where
they're from and even pick on a couple of them, but not in a malicious or
embarrassing way. Last year everyone was very receptive.
Q: Is Bay Street a good
venue for comics?
JV: Comics really like performing here because
it's a good size theater yet as intimate as a comedy club. You see the audience and the nice backdrop is
close so the laughs bounce of it. Also Bay Street 's
location makes it very appealing.
Q: I see
that you have assembled a diverse lineup of comics this year.
JV: I agree. We have four acts who will be doing
fifteen-to-twenty-minute routines. Kenny Garcia is a very laid-back comic who
tells well-written jokes and lets the audience come to him. And then he takes it to unexpected places. Chris
Clarke and I shoot sketches together in which I play a hardcore overly violent white
skinny rapper and he's my stocky and stronger black manager whom I verbally
abuse and order around. He is naturally hilarious. I love the substance of his comedy, his
delivery, and his expressions--he has a great look.

Mark Riccadonna is a
friend who helped me find work when I was a beginner. He is probably the most universal and
versatile comic in my lineup. People
respond to him because of his great stories and clever jokes--and also because
his humor is super clean. Our fourth
comic is Mirina Franklin, who is coming in from Chicago , where she is working with Wanda
Sykes. She's a rising star who is
basically herself on stage, friendly and smiling. but will suddenly start
mimicking, verbally and physically, aggressive and sassy people she's come
across. She'll bring to the show
hilarious humor told from a unique perspective.

Q: So what
kind of show can we expect?
JV: An amazing show that is geared not only for the
slightly older audience that Bay
Street typically draws, but also high school and
college age comedy fans. Last year we
were happy to attract 225 people, but the theater seats 300 and I hope young
fans will help fill it this Monday. They
will see four comedic talents with a ton of professional experience who aren't
doing comedy as a stepping stone to the movies. These individuals instead want
to continue to perfect their craft--their art--and
are content to be among the best stand-up comics on the planet.

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